LLC Tbilservice Group

Hotline 2619050

Quality Policy for Call Center Service of LLC "Tbilservice Group"

Document Number: QMD-04/01

LLC Tbilservice Group Call Center Service Quality Policy outlines company management's approach and the Call Center service's commitment to continually improve the quality of customer service and fulfill their requirements.

The Call Center Service has implemented and operates a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 (excluding those outlined in clause 8.3). This system covers all core and supportive processes of Call Center Service, including:
  • Receiving and managing incoming calls;
  • Managing incoming messages through online chat;
  • Daily monitoring of incoming calls;
  • Monthly assessment of operators;
  • Customer satisfaction survey;
  • Suppliers monitoring;
  • The process of hiring a new employee;
  • Professional development of employees;
  • Risk assessment and management.
To ensure continuous improvement of its services Call Center Service
  • Maintains a close relationship with customers to understand their changing requirements and challenges in the service process;
  • Adheres to the ethical principles of professional activity;
  • Consistently focuses on enhancing employee competence and fostering a healthy working environment;
  • Strives to increase effectiveness of the quality management system through monitoring, analysis, and evaluation, along with the implementation of quality objectives within defined timeframes;
  • Conducts periodic assessments of processes based on established criteria.
All employees of the Call Center service actively engage in the operation of the quality management system. Operators are well-aware about their individual responsibilities in ensuring the delivery of high-quality services.

The management of the Company provides essential resources to support the quality management system and conducts regular assessments of its effectiveness.

The head of the Call Center service and her deputy bear responsibility for the efficient operation of the implemented QMS and ensure necessary internal and external communication.

The quality policy serves as the fundamental document for the quality management system of the Call Center Service.

Date: 17.10.2023
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