LLC Tbilservice Group

Hotline 2619050


The payer of the fee is an individual and/or legal entity, organization, institution, which generates domestic waste on the territory of Tbilisi self-governing unit.
The cleaning fee in the capital was established by December 12, 2014 resolution N 17-46 of the Tbilisi City Assembly, according to which the fee rate for cleaning the populated area in Tbilisi was set to 2.5 GEL per capita per month, while for individuals, whose family has a rating of 57,000 or below 57,000, the fee was set at 2 GEL per capita per month. Regardless of the number of family members, the maximum amount of membership is set at 4 members

Settlement fee for institutions, organizations, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals and legal entities receiving construction permits from June 1, 2022
Annex 2
#Organizations, LLEPL’s, Individual EntrepreneursVolumeAnnual waste Accumulation Rate m3The Amount of Fee
1 Museums, Libraries, Galleries, Archives 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0240 0,050
2 Offices, Agencies, Professional and State Organizations, Banks and Loan Institutions 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0917 0,191
3 Cinemas, Theatres, Concert Halls 1 Spectator Seat 0,3696 0,770
4 Nursing Homes, Free Canteens for Incapable Persons  Service Unit 0,1440 0,300
5 Schools, Institutions, Colleges, Kindergartens, Educational Offices (no fee for infrastructure space). Per Pupil 0,2160 0,450
6 Hotels, Hotel type housing Service Unit (One Bed) 1,9200 4,000
7 Hospitals, Maternity Homes Service Unit (One Bed) 1,3114 2,732
8 Polyclinics, Medical Centres, Dental Offices 1 m2 of Total Area 0,1757 0,366
9 Stadiums, Sport Areas, Tennis Courts, Riding Stables (except Tournament and Training Squares) 1 m2 of Open Area 0,0226 0,047
1 m2 of Closed Area 0,0912 0,190
10 Grocery Shops (Trade Hall) 1 m2 of Working Area 0,8578 1,787
11 Industry Shops, Pharmacies, Stock Markets, Jewellery Shops, Zoo Shops, Vet Centres 1 m2 of Working Area 0,2880 0,600
12 Agrarian Markets, Flower Shops 1 m2 of Total Area 0,3346 0,697
13 Mixed Markets (Pets), Wholesale Trade Warehouses and Refrigerators 1 m2 of Total Area 0,2290 0,477
14 Parking Lots  and Warehouses without direct  selling 1 m2 of Open Area 0,0221 0,046
1 m2 of Closed Area 0,0912 0,190
15 Petrol Stations 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0912 0,190
16 Transport Exhibition Buildings, Nurseries, Greenhouses, Farms, Slaughterhouses 1 m2 of Open Area 0,0446 0,093
1 m2 of Closed Area 0,0874 0,182
17 Transport Repair  and Washing Stations, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Receiving Points 1 m2 of Open Area 0,0230 0,048
1 m2 of Closed Area 0,1574 0,328
18 Baths, Saunas and Swimming Pools 1 m2 of Total Area 0,2045 0,426
19 Beauty Salons, Cosmetic and Aesthetic Centres 1 m2 of Total Area 0,3974 0,828
20 Small Entrepreneurial Activities, Household Service Areas 1 m2 of Total Area 0,2856 0,595
21 Restaurants, Pizzerias, Diners (except free diners for helpless) Cafes, Bars One Sitting Place 2,6880 5,600
22 Banquet Halls, Ritual Services One Sitting Place 1,0848 2,260
23 Bakeries, Family Bakeries (without sitting places) 1 m2 of Working Area 0,2880 0,600
24 Discotheques, Night Clubs, Casinos, Betting and Gambling Houses 1 m2 of Total Area 0,4046 0,843
25 Intercity and International Stations, Aeroports, Railway and Metro Stations 1 m2 of Open Area 0,0091 0,019
1 m2 of Closed Area 0,0912 0,190
26 Recreation Areas, Gardens, Attractions on River banks and Tbilisi Seashore 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0091 0,019
27 Military Units, Penitentiary Systems (no fee for infrastructure area) One place 0,6720 1,400
28 Open Areas for Production Process 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0086 0,018
29 Buildings for Serial Productions (except industrial waste) 1 m2 of Total Area 0,0451 0,094
30 Individual Residential House (In production) Development Intesity Coefficient (K-2) 1 m2 Area 0,048 0,1
31 A multi-apartment building or multi-apartment building containing a multi-apartment residential function Development Intesity Coefficient (K-2) 1 m2 Area 0,24 0,5
32 Facilities with fully commercial use (In production) Development Intesity Coefficient (K-2) 1 m2 Area 0,24 0,5
33 Multifunctional Object for production and industrial use (except 30-32 in this chart) Development Intesity Coefficient (K-2) 1 m2 Area 0,24 0,5
Monthly Fee calculation for Institutions, Organizations, Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.
M = F x A
M – Monthly fee for Institutions, Organizations, Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (lari);
F – Monthly Fee rate per Unit (lari);
A – The actual number of Units of measure (area, place, bed, etc.)
The cleaning fee is accrued to the population in accordance with the Law of Georgia on Local Fees and December 12, 2014 resolution N 17-46 of the Tbilisi City Assembly, according to which in Tbilisi municipality, a fee for cleaning the populated area has been set for the "population of the capital, which is calculated according to the number of residents. According to the decision, an individual pays the fee for only one place of residence, and, as a rule, the population is determined according to the place of residence based on the information in the electronic database of the State Service Development Agency.

According to the Law of Georgia on the Procedure for Registering Citizens of Georgia and Foreigners Residing in Georgia, for issuing and Identity (Residence) Card and a Passport of a Citizen of Georgia, Georgian citizens and foreigners residing in Georgia are obliged to register according to their place of residence, and if they have several places of residence, according to one of the residences. When changing the place of residence for more than 6 months, the person is obliged to apply to the authorized territorial service of the Agency for registration no later than 10 days after the expiration of 6 months, in compliance with the requirements of this law.

In compliance with the requirements of the same law, a citizen of Georgia who has been abroad for a period of more than 6 months is obliged to register for consular registration at the Georgian diplomatic mission or consular registration no later than 10 days after the expiration of 6 months.

The above information on the number of individuals registered at a specific address in the electronic database of the State Service Development Agency is reflected on the receipt of the electricity subscriber.

For example (citizen Davit Chankseliani is registered in N. Kvashilava St., building # 1, B. # 1, and actually lives in N. Baratashvili St., building # 100, B. # 99. Despite where or on which street does Chankselianigenerate waste, the fee will be accrued to the citizen according to the place of registration. If he wants to be charged at his real residential address, he is obliged to register where he lives.)
If the information contained in the electronic database of the State Service Development Agency (Civil Registry) is not included in the fee accrual database, the citizen must submit a certificate from the State Service Development Agency about the individuals registered at a specific address, according to which the fee will be changed.

In case of the so-called “Tbilisi Yard” (addresses the database of the Public Service Development Agency, where there are no numbered spaces in one address - in the yard), where it is not possible to register the population in the area at a specific address, the fee will be adjusted from the current period, on the basis of the submitted “Partnership Meeting” (notarized) protocol, approved by the Government.
At the initiative of the Tbilisi Municipality Government, an amendment was made to the December 12, 2014 resolution N 17-46 of the Tbilisi City Assembly. According to the amendment, the government of Tbilisi has issued an ordinance, according to which individuals living in the territory of the capital, who owe a cleaning fee, will be able to repay this amount in stages - for twelve months.
The cleaning fee per capita in the populated area of Tbilisi is set at 2.5 GEL per month, and for individuals whose family rating score is below 57,000 or 57,000, the fee per capita is set at 2 GEL per month.

You can apply for this at the Tbilservice Group office (Kakheti Highway 67, Beliashvili 25)
Institutions, organizations, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals are required to register as a Payer of the cleaning fee within 30 days from the start of their activities. They must present the documents confirming the start of the activity at a specific address. (Extract from the public register, extract from the entrepreneurial register, lease / lease agreement, control/cash register registration code).
Institutions, organizations, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to notify the Tbilisi Waste-Cleaning and Waste Management Service or operator of the termination of the activity no later than 30 calendar days. Otherwise, the accrual of the cleaning fee shall be terminated from the date of notification to the Tbilisi Waste-Cleaning and Waste Management Service or Operator, or as a result of inspection by authorized persons, from the date of the inspection report drawn up on the basis of confirmation of the facility termination.
For individuals whose family rating score is below 57,000 or 57,000, the fee rate per capita is set at GEL 2 per month.For individuals whose family rating score is below 57,000 or 57,000, the fee rate per capita is set at GEL 2 per month.
At the initiative of the Tbilisi Municipality Government, an amendment was made to the December 12, 2014 resolution N 17-46 of the Tbilisi City Assembly. According to the amendment, the government of Tbilisi Municipality has issued an ordinance, according to which, in a residential area in the territory of Tbilisi Municipality, where the fact of an individual living is confirmed, but no individual is registered, the cleaning fee will be charged as 2.5 GEL per capita per month. According to the database of the Civil Registry, in the territory of Tbilisi Municipality, there are recorded houses, apartments, where individuals live without registration. Citizens own two or more flats, houses that they have rented, mortgaged, or temporarily resided with, but because they have not been registered at these specific addresses in the Civil Registry Database, no individual is charged a cleaning fee - hence there are no payers of cleaning fees. Based on all the above, residential apartments, houses, which do not accrue the cleaning fee and the fact of an individual living is confirmed, will be charged the cleaning fee as a total per capita per month - in the amount of 2.5 GEL. The fact of an individual living in a residential area will be considered as confirmed, if the authorized person becomes aware that the amount of electricity used in the residential area for one month is not less than 20 (twenty) kWh.
Over 23 of the underground passages in the capital is under maintenance of Tbilservice Group LLC:
Melaani Street;
34 I. Chavchavadze Avenue;
Heroes Square;
Heroes Square 2
9 Gamsakhurdia Avenue;
Aghmashenebeli Alley (Near Agrarian University);
Milk Factory;
Kostava Street near Sachashnike;
Aghmashenebeli Alley (Near Mukhatgverdi Bridge);
Rustaveli Ave. (Near Opera House);
M. Kostava Street, Publishing house “Samshoblo”
41-43 I.Chavchavadze Ave.
Aghmashenebeli Alley (“Hotel Ushba”);
54 Chavchavadze Avenue;
Intersection of Tamar Mepe Avenue and Tsinamdzgvrishvili Street;
24 Javakheti  Street (Metro Varketili);
Baratashvili Bridge;
Kakheti Highway (Metro Samgori);
Anchiskhati Church;
Saakadze Square;
13 Tamarashvili Street;
1 Melikishvili Street;
37 Rustaveli Avenue.
You can apply at the office of Tbilservice Group (67 Kakheti Highway, 25 Beliashvili St.), write to us on the Facebook page Tbilservice Group /, Call the hotline 2619050
You can apply at the office of Tbilservice Group (67 Kakheti Highway, 25 Beliashvili St.), write to us on the Facebook page Tbilservice Group /, Call the hotline 2619050.
The designated construction and demolition waste disposal site is situated along the Tbilisi Bypass Road at the 15th Kilometer, within the Gldani district of Tbilisi, Georgia.
Gate fees are determined based on the load capacity of heavy-duty vehicles, as outlined below:
  • Vehicles with a load capacity under 5 tons: 9 Gel including VAT
  • Vehicles with a load capacity from 5 to 10 tons: 18 Gel including VAT
  • Vehicles with a load capacity above 10 tons: 30.60 Gel including VAT
Both private individuals and legal entities have the option to enter into a contract with Tbilservice Group LLC for the disposal of construction and demolition waste. These contracts can be arranged for either a single instance of disposal or for multiple disposals over time.
Please examine the resolution of the Tbilisi Municipality Council on № 17-46
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