LLC Tbilservicegroup

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LLC Tbilserivce Group Announcement
28 January, 2022
As it is known, any monthly payment of the cleaning fee was done, as a standard, for the previous month service. Customers were charged a service fee in January for December and specific dates were reflected in the receipt.

According to the decision of the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Commission (GNERC), from December 2021, accruals for “Telasi” subscribers will be made during the last four calendar days of each month.

Based on this decision, in January, 2022 at the end of the month, both individuals and Legal entities will receive two receipts for the cleaning fee, which will reflect the service fee received in December/January.

The rate of the cleaning fee for individuals is sat at 2,5 lari per capita per month. Accordingly, individuals will have the same tariff in December-January. As for legal entities, according to the resolution No 4-12 of Tbilisi City Assembly (27.12.2021), new rates of cleaning fee have been set in the territory of the capital. Based on the above, legal entities will still pay old rate as for the December, while the new tariff will be reflected in the January receipt.

We would like to mention that the new tariff will apply only to commercial category subscribers and not to individuals. Simultaneous accrual of the December-January fee is related to the decision of the GNERC. Finally, in case of non-payment of January service fees, electricity will not be terminated for individuals, as well as for legal entities and they will be able to pay the debt by the end of February.
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