LLC Tbilservicegroup

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Cleaning the area around the “Dezerter Bazaar”
24 June, 2022
"Tbilservice Group" cleared area of so-called “Dezerter Bazaar”

"Tbilservice Group" LLC carries out planned cleaning works in the capital city. A large-scale cleaning event was held in the streets surrounding “Dezerter Bazaar” and the station square, within the framework of which, the streets of Tsinamdzghvrishvili, Abastumani and Tevdore Mghvdeli were washed with special foam.

As part of the works, garbage collection containers were also washed, and old bins were replaced with new ones on Abastumani Street.

Tbilisi Deputy Mayor Kakha Guledani, Director of "Tbilservice Group" Davit Pachulia, Didube Governor Vladimer Dzneladze and Majority Deputy Givi Chkhartishvili got acquainted with the cleaning works on the spot.
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