LLC Tbilservicegroup

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"Tbilservice Group" continues road marking works
12 December, 2022
"Tbilservice Group" continues road marking works During the past week, the road marking service of LLC "Tbilservice Group" , throughout the city of Tbilisi, carried out horizontal road marking works at the following addresses: in Mtatsminda district - on P. Melikishvili Avenue; in Saburtalo district - on M.Asatiani Street; In Didube and Chughureti regions - N. Bokhua street and C. Chitaia square; in Vake region - at the intersection of N. Kipshidze and Ek.Gabashvili streets; in Samgori district - on the Kakheti highway; At the mentioned addresses, road dividing strips, "stop" lines, "yield" signs, guide islands, traffic indicator arrows and pedestrian crossings were drawn with cold plastic paint. In total, road markings were drawn on more than 2,000 square meters of road surface.
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