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The Greening and cleaning event was held in Khudadovi Forest
05 June, 2024
In celebration of World Environment Day, a greening and cleaning event was held in Khudadovi Forest. Employees of the Environmental Protection Department of Tbilisi City Hall, LLC "Tbilservice Group" and LLC "Ecoservice Group" planted 150 seedlings of various species and cleaned the area of construction and household waste.

The Deputy Mayor of Tbilisi, Andria Basilaia, the Director of LLC "Tbilservice Group," David Pachulia, and the Acting Head of the Environmental Protection Department, Paata Togonidze, participated in the greening and cleaning event.

"Today, the municipality joined World Environment Day. As part of the action, we planted three types of seedlings and also cleaned the area. This is not a one-time action; more seedlings will be planted in Khudadovi Forest this year and in the coming years, we will continue to take care of this important recreational area," said Andria Basilaia.
"Khudadovi Forest, which covers an area of approximately 40 hectares, is one of the important green spaces for our city, and we must take care of it. I want to urge citizens and private companies not to illegally dispose of construction waste in such recreational spaces. This has a very negative impact on the environment, the city, and its residents," noted David Pachulia.

The greening and cleaning work involved the head of the Chugureti district, district staff, and members of the Tbilisi City Council.

June 5th was declared World Environment Day in 1972. The purpose of celebrating this day is to promote sustainable environmental development, raise public awareness, and improve the state of environmental protection.
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