LLC Tbilservice Group

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The area near Tbilisi Sea has been cleaned of household waste
16 September, 2024
In connection with Cleanup Week, the area near Tbilisi Sea has been cleared of household waste. Employees of Tbilservice Group cleaned a section of the coastal area.

The action was attended by the director of Tbilservice Group, Davit Pachulia, and the chairperson of the organization "Green Movement of Georgia," Nino Chkhobadze.

"Cleanup actions are important for raising public awareness. We all need to understand the significant damage we cause to the environment by disposing of waste in such recreational spaces. Once again, I urge the public to place household waste only in designated containers and not to litter the environment," noted Davit Pachulia.

Georgia and Tbilisi join the international cleanup campaign every year. Various types of environmental activities are planned nationwide.
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